How to set different shipping rates per city?
In the plugin settings choose on which countries to apply the plugin on, create new shipping zone and add the cities inside, add the relevant shipping methods and prices.
How to apply taxes per city/state?
In WooCommerce tax settings use the city code at the state field, or use the city code at the city field and the state code at the state field and add:
add_filter( 'csz_enable_tax_per_state', '__return_true' );
How to convert cities list (cities seperated by lines) to the Bulk Select tool required format (cities seperated by ;
Replace [\r\n]+
(regex) with ;
in Notepad++
How to retrieve the shipping zone / the state that some city is belong to from a 3-party app?
Extension for the WooCommerce REST API is available.
How to translate cities names?
Use the built-in WordPress editor, filter your country’s cities using {country_code}-cities (for example use EE-cities for Estonia, contact us if the cities are absent or if you have ready-made translation), when finish translating contact your language team to approve it, then export the .mo file to your /wp-content/languages/plugins/ folder and change its name to cities-shipping-zones-for-woocommerce-{language_code}.
How to modify cities names?
Update countries codes, and cities codes and names (add the state prefix if using the ‘State Filters’ option):
add_filter( 'csz_cities', 'csz_modify_cities_names' );
function csz_modify_cities_names( $cities ) {
$country = 'EE';
$cities_names = [
'EE784' => 'Talin',
'EE296' => 'Keilalinn',
foreach ( $cities_names as $key => $city ) {
if ( isset( $cities[ $country ][ $key ] ) ) {
$cities[ $country ][ $key ] = $city;
return $cities;
How to remove some cities from the list?
Update country code and cities codes:
add_filter( 'csz_cities', 'csz_remove_cities' );
function csz_remove_cities( $cities ) {
$country_code = 'EE';
$unnecessary_cities = [ 'EE784', 'EE296', 'EE446' ];
foreach ( $unnecessary_cities as $city ) {
if ( isset( $cities[ $country_code ][ $city ] ) ) {
unset( $cities[ $country_code ][ $city ] );
return $cities;
How to keep only specific cities in the cities dropdown?
Update country code and cities codes:
add_filter( 'csz_cities', 'csz_set_cities' );
function csz_set_cities( $cities ) {
$country = 'EE';
$keep_cities = [ 'EE784', 'EE296', 'EE446' ];
foreach ( $keep_cities as $city ) {
if ( isset( $cities[ $country ][ $city ] ) ) {
$new_cities[ $city ] = $cities[ $country ][ $city ];
if ( ! empty( $new_cities ) ) {
$cities[ $country ] = $new_cities;
return $cities;
How to remove from the list all the cities of certain states?
Update states codes:
add_filter( 'csz_states', 'csz_remove_states_cities' );
function csz_remove_states_cities( $states ) {
$unnecessary_states = [ 'EE001', 'EE004', 'EE006' ];
foreach ( $unnecessary_states as $state_code ) {
if ( isset( $states[ $state_code ] ) ) {
unset( $states[ $state_code ] );
return $states;
How to keep in the cities dropdown only the cities from certain states (not compatible with international stores)?
Update states codes:
add_filter( 'csz_states', 'csz_set_states' );
function csz_set_states( $states ) {
$keep_states = [ 'EE001', 'EE004', 'EE006' ];
foreach ( $keep_states as $state ) {
if ( isset( $states[ $state ] ) ) {
$new_states[ $state ] = $states[ $state ];
return $new_states ?? $states;
How to create shipping zones for quarters inside a city?
Create shipping zone with that city and restrict to the relevant postcodes or add multiple flat rate shipping methods to the shipping zone for the different areas, or split the city into areas (less recommended, update country code and city code and areas names, update the store location in WooCommerce settings, not compatible with the ‘State Autofill’ option):
add_filter( 'csz_cities', 'csz_split_cities' );
function csz_split_cities( $cities ) {
$country_code = 'EE';
$city_code = 'EE784';
$sub_cities = [ __( 'Northern', 'woocommerce' ), __( 'Southern', 'woocommerce' ) ];
if ( isset( $cities[ $country_code ][ $city_code ] ) ) {
$count = 101;
foreach ( $sub_cities as $sub_city ) {
$cities[ $country_code ][ $city_code . $count ] = $cities[ $country_code ][ $city_code ] . ' - ' . $sub_city;
unset( $cities[ $country_code ][ $city_code ] );
return $cities;
How to group multiple cities into one area?
Update the country code, the area name (add the state prefix if using the ‘State Filters’ option) and its main city, and the cities its included:
add_filter( 'csz_cities', 'csz_group_cities' );
function csz_group_cities( $cities ) {
$country_code = 'EE';
$area_name = 'Tallinn Area';
$main_city_code = 'EE784';
$secondary_cities = [ 'EE296', 'EE446', 'EE726', 'EE890' ];
if ( isset( $cities[ $country_code ][ $main_city_code ] ) ) {
foreach ( $secondary_cities as $city ) {
if ( isset( $cities[ $country_code ][ $city ] ) ) {
unset( $cities[ $country_code ][ $city ] );
$cities[ $country_code ][ $main_city_code ] = $area_name;
return $cities;
How to move some cities to the top of the dropdown?
Update the country and cities codes:
add_filter( 'csz_cities', 'csz_cities_custom_order' );
add_filter( 'csz_sort_cities', 'csz_disable_sort', 10, 2 );
function csz_cities_custom_order( $cities ) {
$country = 'EE';
$first_keys = [ 'EE726', 'EE890' ];
$pre_arr = [];
foreach ( $first_keys as $key ) {
if ( isset( $cities[ $country ][ $key ] ) ) {
$pre_arr[ $key ] = $cities[ $country ][ $key ];
asort( $cities[ $country ] );
$cities[ $country ] = $pre_arr + $cities[ $country ];
return $cities;
function csz_disable_sort( $sort, $country_code ) {
$country = 'EE';
return $country === $country_code ? false : $sort;
How to move some states to the top of the dropdown?
Update the states codes:
add_filter( 'csz_sort_states', '__return_false' );
add_filter( 'csz_states', 'csz_states_custom_order' );
function csz_states_custom_order( $states ) {
$first_keys = [ 'EE007', 'EE004' ];
$pre_arr = [];
foreach ( $first_keys as $key ) {
if ( isset( $states[ $key ] ) ) {
$pre_arr[ $key ] = $states[ $key ];
asort( $states );
return $pre_arr + $states;
How to let customers to select a city which is not exist in the list?
Shipping zone for the countries you applied the plugin on must be configured or at ‘Locations not covered’ if ‘Selling locations’ option is enabled (not compatible with the ‘State Filters’ and ‘State Autofill’ options):
add_filter( 'csz_enable_custom_city', '__return_true' );
How to uninstall the plugin?
WooCommerce Shipping Zones settings: erase the locations.
Plugin Settings: Remove the countries.
WooCommerce General Settings: Update the store location country / state.
Users: convert/erase the state field values of users that were created/updated while the plugin was applied on the countries they belong to.
Plugins: Deactivate and delete the plugin.
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